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Freeola Guides


Scripting Tutorials & Guides

Last updated on by Freeola Support

Welcome to the Freeola Internet customer support pages. The following list of links represent a few guides available on the internet which you may find useful for reference when creating your site(s). For more internet help topics please visit our main Support Page.

Please Note

This is not an exhaustive list of utilities available and Freeola are not responsible for the content of any external websites or the content/links held therein.

General Guides, Scripts & Tutorials

w3cschools - This site gives gives several tutorials and guides on creating PHP and HTML pages and elements and is highly  recommended reading.

Tutorialspoint - A large selection of HTML guides and resources.

HTML.com - A site pitched for 'absolute beginners' to HTML, features a series of step-by-step guides.

HTML/XML Validator - This handy site checks and validates any web page you create.

CSS Validator - A similar site to the one above, except for validating CSS code.

Tizag - Another site that is full of HTML and PHP creation tutorials, although some guides are now outdated.

PHP Guides, Scripts & Tutorials

The PHP Group - The official guide from the UK developers of PHP. This contains a significant amount of reference information about all the functions and variables that you will need when compiling a website that includes PHP.

PHP Tutorial - A site which offers explainations and several examples of PHP.

PHP Builder - This website is quite useful as a quick reference guide.

WordPress - One of the more popular 'Blog' publishing applications, which comes pre-installed with Freeola's WP Hosting packages. For a full installation guide please see here.

FTP Clients

Once created, all web pages will need to be uploaded using a system called File Transfer Protocol, often abbreviated to FTP. Freeola provides a series of guides for this programs, a list of which can be found here. However, some of the more popular ones are listed below.

Filezilla - A small free FTP client that is supported by both Windows and MAC operating systems. A guide for using this program can be found here.

CuteFTP - Another example of an FTP client with a 30 day free trial period. Instructions on using this program can be seen on this page.

Cyberduck - One of the more popular FTP programs for Mac OS. A Freeola specific guide on its use can be found here.

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