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Freeola Guides


Microsoft Publisher

Last updated on by Freeola Support

Welcome to the Freeola Internet customer support pages. This guide is designed to help with uploading a website via FTP using Microsoft Publisher. For more internet help topics please visit our main Support Page.

Please note

Microsoft Publisher 2016 was used as a reference in creating this guide. While the steps needed to upload has changed little between versions of the software, there may be some slight wording or visual differences in the process.

  1. Open Microsoft Publisher, and open the website that you wish to publish.

  2. Select File from the menu and then click onto Publish to the Web.
    Publish to Web in Publisher

  3. If you have not been to this menu previously you will receive a advisory notice about selecting a web publisher, Click OK to close this dialogue and enter the Publish to Web dialogue box.

  4. You will see a window asking you to save the file as index.htm. Change index.htm to ftp://example.com (replace example.com with your actual domain name) and click Save

  5. A new dialogue box will appear asking for the following options to be entered:

    Log on as: This is your FTP Username. This can be found in the My Websites section of MyFreeola.

    Password: This is the password connected to the FTP username entered above.

  6. Next select the Add button and then select OK. Selecting this should return you to the Publish to Web dialogue box with the FTP location you have just added selected. With this new location selected click the Open button.

  7. Publisher should now connect to your webspace and show you a number of folders. Select the htdocs or public_html folder to enter that folder and then select Save.
    Publish to Web in Publisher

  8. Publisher will now start generating and uploading your pages to your webspace folder, once this has completed (this may take a few minutes depending on your connection speed to the internet and the size of your webspace) your website should be visible by visiting your website address.

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