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Freeola Guides


Netscape Communicator

Last updated on by Freeola Support

Please Note

Netscape Naviagtor is no longer available to download and is no longer supported with security updates from the developer.

As support and development for this browser was withdrawn in 2008 we no longer recommend using this to upload your files to your Freeola Hosting Service.

However, this guide will remain available for reference purposes.

If you are looking to upload your website files we would recommend the Filezilla FTP Client, a secure, supported, software designed specifically for uploading your files via FTP.

Welcome to the Freeola Internet customer support pages. This guide is designed to help with uploading a website via FTP using Netscape Communicator. For more internet help topics please visit our main Support Page.

Before you start with the FTP upload please ensure at this point that your domain name is signed up to one of our Hosting Services. For further information on uploading via FTP please read our Basic Guide to FTP and Web Space.

  1. Run the Netscape program.

  2. In the location area of the toolbar at the top of the Netscape window, you need to type in a complete FTP server path which includes your Freeola Username and Freeola Password. The Username will begin with cpvip or sr, the Password is the password connected to this FTP username. This information can be found within the My Websites section of MyFreeola.

    The diagram below demonstrates this further. This example assumes you have an e-mail address of [email protected] which translates to the web address www.bob.spursfans.com.
    Netscape FTP Upload
    This example would be relevant if you host your own Domain Name with Freeola called tomhoy.com.
    Netscape FTP Upload

  3. Your location bar should now be similar to one of the above examples shown. Press the Enter/Return button on your keyboard to continue.

  4. Click the htdocs directory (public_html for SSD Hosting customers) - this is the directory that should contain all your web files.

  5. Open the folder on your computer that contains your web site pages and drag the files from this window into the browser window. For security purposes Netscape may ask you again to confirm your password. Remember, this is your FTP password as explained earlier.

  6. To download a file to your machine from the server, right click (PC) or hold your mouse button down (Macintosh) on the file and then select Save Link As... then choose where you would like to save the file. Alternatively you can reverse the above step.

  7. Once the files are appearing in the browser window simply close this as you would do normally to complete the transfer. In a separate window you should now be able to visit and view your website by typing the address within the Location bar.

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