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Last updated on by Freeola Support

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Welcome to the Freeola Internet customer support pages. This guide is designed to help with uploading your website via FTP using Cyberduck for Mac for any Freeola hosted website. For more internet help topics please visit our main Support Page.

In order to upload files to any Freeola unlimited webspace you will need to access your webspace via FTP. Most, if not all, web design programs feature an element of FTP uploading but it is always advisable, and more stable, to upload using one of many FTP clients available. This page gives brief instructions on one of these, Cyberduck.

Please Note

This guide was created using Cyberduck 6.9.4 as a reference. While the FTP process will largely be the same between versions, there may be some small text or graphical differences.

  1. Cyberduck can be downloaded directly from the developer.

  2. Once you have downloaded, installed, and opened the software select Open Connection from the top left-hand side of the window.
    Cyberduck Menu

  3. In the window that opens you will need to enter your Freeola FTP details. If you are unsure of these, they can be confirmed within your MyFreeola Control Panel.

  4. Most settings should be left to their default option. The ones you need to change are listed below:
    Server: This will be your FTP Server Address found in MyFreeola.
    Username: This is your FTP Server Username found in MyFreeola.
    Password: This is your FTP Server Password found in MyFreeola.
    Cyberduck FTP Information

  5. Once these are set please select Connect at the bottom of the dialog box.

  6. This will now create a connection with Freeola's hosting service. The Cyberduck window will resemble something like the file structure shown below.
    Cyberduck Folder Structure

  7. Ensure that you have entered the htdocs folder (public_html on SSD Hosting) then simply Drag and Drop files into your webspace.

  8. Once you have finished, select Disconnect from the top right corner or simply close the program to stop your connection to the webspace.

  9. You should now test your site by visiting it in your favourite web browser.

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