Monitoring Website Traffic
Last updated on by Freeola Support
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The RQS website builder has a built in Website Statistics feature which will allow you to quickly and easily see the most popular pages on your website, along with how people found your site and extra information on the most popular browsers used to view your content.
This information can help you better cater your website for the majority of visitors.
To get to the Website Statistics for your site log into the RQS Builder, select Website Tools from the top menu then Website Statistics.
The Website Statistics window features four fields: three drop-down menus and a text input. This guide will take you through each option allowing you to view the information you want, in the format you desire.
The first drop-down allows you to select the type of information you wish to see:
Pages - This option will list your site pages and break down the number of visits per month over a four month period.
Referrers - A referrer is the path a visitor took to access your website. Typically you should expect to see search engine or social media sites here.
Browsers - This statistic shows the brand of browser used to access your site. If you are seeing one browser dominate over the others, then you may want to consider optimising your site with that software, in particular, in mind.
Browsers & Versions - An expanded version of the Browsers option. This page can be used to confirm which version of a browser software is being used to access your site. Older versions of browsers may not support some modern website design functions.
Operating Systems - Confirmation of which Operating Systems are used to access your site. As above, this can help you optimise your site or content for a majority of your visitors.
The Format drop-down menu allows you to change how you view the statistic selected in the first option.
Table - This option will display the data in a standard table format with six columns. The first will change depending on the statistic you are viewing (Page, Browsers, URL etc.), the next four will be the data for each of the four months leading up to the month selected in Month, with the final column showing the All Time data for that statistic.
Pie Chart - The Pie Chart option will display your data in a graphical format. For the selected month your chosen statistic will be broken down and displayed as a 'slice' (or 'piece') of pie - the larger the slice the higher number of visits to/from that location or browser. You can hover your cursor over a section of the graph for a numerical representation of the data.
Line Graph - A Line Graph will plot your data for each month over a four month period and connect these with a straight line. This can be used to easy see upward (or downward) trends in your site visits. You can hover your cursor over any point on the graph to see more information on that particular data.
The month column allows you to select a target month for your data, changing the information in the window to show that month and for the three proceeding it. For example, selecting November 2021 will display data for August, September, October and November 2021.
The final column allows you to search for specific terms and isolate that data. For example, if you wished to only view the visits to your different Shop pages, you could enter 'shop' into this field.
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