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Freeola Guides


Using Twitter with InstantPro

Last updated on by Freeola Support

Important Information

This guide is for the Freeola InstantPro Website Builder. This service has now been replaced by a more modern product, RQS, and therefore is no longer updated with new features.

To build your website in RQS for free, please click here or visit the RQS Builder section of your MyFreeola Control Panel.

If you have your own Twitter profile, or even an account for your business/organisation, you can integrate this with your site. It’s a great way to bring more people to your site, and to attract more followers.

This is done by using a Twitter widget. You can easily add the widgets by using some simple code.

In this tutorial we will go through how to add a Twitter Timeline to a skyscraper. Skyscrapers display on the sides of your site and they are the best place to add your Twitter widgets.

Although we’re adding the Timeline, adding the other options (such as twitter buttons) is much the same, it just involves selecting the required widget and following the instructions laid out in this tutorial regarding the code.

Step 1

From the Main Menu select Custom Code & Snippets from under the Website Tools heading.

Main Menu

Step 2

Click the Add New Snippet button. Choose a name for your snippet and enter it into the Snippet Name field.


Step 3

Visit the Twitter Publish page and enter the URL of the timeline or Moment you’d like to embed.

Step 4

Depending on the URL you have entered within the above field, you’ll now have a few options to choose from to allow you to display exactly the content you wish.

Embedded Timeline

If you are happy to display your Timeline or Tweet using the default size and colour options, Skip to STEP 6.

Step 5

If you would like to change how your content is displayed, press the set customisation options link.

So that the Timeline fits nicely in a skyscraper, it’s a good idea to specify the width as 220px, which is the smallest width available. We’ve decided to keep the theme Light and the Default link colour (but you can change them to suit your site).


Once you are happy with your selection press Update.

Step 6

The Publish Page will now generate some code. Press the Copy Code button.


Return to InstantPro and paste the code into the Snippet Content Field, then press Save & Finish.

Paste Code

Step 7

Now we’ll cover how to add your widget to a skyscraper. From the Main Menu select Skyscraper Manager from under the Pages & Content heading.

Main Menu

Step 8

If it’s your first time creating a Skyscraper, press the click here to create one link. Alternatively if you have already created Skyscrapers in the past, press the Add a New Skyscraper button.

Pick a name for your skyscraper & enter it in the name field. You’ll also want to change the width to match the width of your Timeline.


Step 9

Now in the skyscraper, press Insert and select Snippet.

Insert Snippet

From the dropdown list, select your Twitter Widget and press Insert. Then press Save and Finish.

Step 10

You will need to assign the skyscraper to the pages that you would like to display your Twitter Timeline on. To do this press the Assign Skyscrapers to Pages button, then follow the prompts to either apply to all pages or on a page by page basis.

For further instruction, please refer to the Skyscrapers Tutorial.

Apply Skyscraper

Once you are happy with your selection, click Apply Changes then Finish.

If you would like to check that the Timeline is displaying correctly on your site, click the Preview Website button in the InstantPro header.


Standard Pages

You can add your Twitter Widget to a standard page, in much the same way, by selecting the page you want it to appear on and adding a snippet (from the Page Elements on the left hand side of the page).

Adding to a Normal Page

All snippets that you create and save will be stored into your Snippet repository. So that when you choose add a snippet to your page, it is simply a case of selecting it from the drop down list.

Although you can add your Twitter widgets to standard pages, it should be done with caution. The widgets are “dynamic” meaning that they are always pulling data from Twitter. This can cause the page to load very slowly and/or interfere with any other code that you may be using on the site. This is why we suggest that you use them with a Skyscraper.

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