Using Facebook with RQS
Last updated on by Freeola Support
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If you have a Facebook page set up, there are loads of great social plugins that you can add to your pages within your RQS website.
For the purpose of this tutorial, we will add a Page Plugin. Adding the other Social Plugins is much the same – it will just involve selecting the required plugin from the list and following the instructions laid out in this tutorial regarding the code.
Linking to Facebook is a great idea, as it will allow you to reach a wider audience.
To start, visit the Facebook Developers Page page and enter the Facebook Page URL you would like to embed within your site. For this example, we will be using the Freeola Facebook Page.
You can find your own URL by going to your Facebook page and copying the information from the browser address bar.
Now use the Width and Height fields to set the size of the plugin. The tick-boxes on this page should help you customise this further.
Once finished, click Get Code, a new window should pop up with two sections of code. Copy the code from Step 1.
If your browser does not allow you to Right-click>Copy, then you can use the keyboard shortcut of 'CTRL+C' to copy this information.
Now log into RQS and select Custom Head/Body Code from the Website Tools Menu and paste the code within. Once done, click Finish.
If your browser does not allow you to Right-click>Paste, then you can use the keyboard shortcut of 'CTRL+V' to paste this information.
While still within RQS, select the page you wish to add this content on from the Manage Pages menu item then using the Right-Click Menu, use the Edit Content option (or Add a Content Section) within the area you would like the Facebook content to display.
When editing the Content Area, right-click again and select Add Page Element, then Add Snippet. Next move your mouse cursor to your desired location, and click to Save.
In the example below we are placing our widget at the top of our content area.
Now either Double-Click the Snippet Area or select Manage Snippets from the Website Tools menu to open the Manage Snippets window. Select Create a New Snippet then enter your chosen Snippet Name in the relevant field.
We would advise you choose a Name that you can later identify, such as Facebook, or Facebook Page.
If you have created a Snippet previously that you would like to edit, simply select the Edit Icon next to the Snippet Name to open this window.
Return to the Facebook Developer page and copy the code from Step 2, then paste this into the Edit Snippet window within the Snippet Content field.
Click Finish once done.
You will be returned to the Manage Snippets window, from which you will need to select your new Snippet by selecting the radio button on the left. Once you have done so, click Finish (or Select Snippet).
Your Snippet Element will now update to show your Snippet Name and will allow to you change placement again, if required. Click Finish (or select another area) to save your changes.
Please Note: Due to the nature of Facebook Snippets you may be required to refresh the RQS page to fully load this information within the editor.
Your Facebook Plugin should now appear on your published website - or will appear once you publish your website - ready for your visitors to view and interact with.
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