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Setting up a Grandstream HT801 for Freeola Voice Autoprovision

Last updated on by Freeola Support

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Welcome to the Freeola Internet customer support pages. This page is offered as a guide to help with configuring a Grandstream HT801 ATA device to auto provision to a Freeola Voice home VoIP service. For more internet help topics please visit our main Support Page.

If you've purchased your Grandstream HT801 from Freeola with a Freeola Voice service, then your Grandstream should auto provision itself as soon as it connects to a network.

A guide on how to connect your device to your network can be found within our Support Pages.

This guide is for customers who are either providing their own Grandstream device (see note below) or have factory reset their device and want to restore auto provisioning.

If you purchased your Grandstream from a different supplier we should be able to add this to your account if you supply Freeola Support the MAC of your device (see base of router). You will also need to follow the rest of this guide below.

  1. Before starting, you will need to establish the IP address of your Grandstream so that you can log in to the web configuration menu of the device. You can easily find this out by using the voice menu prompts.

  2. Using a phone attached to the Grandstream, dial *** (Three Stars) on the keypad.

  3. You should be prompted to "Enter the New Option", press * then * again and you should hear "IP Address". The IP address of your Grandstream (likely it will start 192.168.1.###) will now be read out - note this down.

  4. From a web browser on a computer attached to the same network as the Grandstream device, enter in to the address bar http:// then the IP Address you've been given - for example,
    If you are unsure of where the address bar is on your software, the keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+L is widely used to highlight this field.

  5. You should be prompted for Username and Password.
    If the Grandstream has been provided by Freeola, then these will be:

    • Username - admin.

    • Password - Your VoIP Password.

    If you have factory reset your Grandstream, the default login Username and Password will both be admin.
    If you are unsure of your VoIP Password, we also provide a guide on how to access this within the Freeola Support Centre.
  6. From the menu, click on Advanced Settings and navigate to the Config Server Path section. Remove the contents of that field and replace with provisioning.voip123.co.uk.

  7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update. Once the page has refreshed, click Apply, then Reboot.

  8. You should be logged out of the Grandstream web interface.

  9. The Grandstream will now apply the configuration, this may take several minutes. Once it has finished, all three lights on the Grandstream should be lit as in the example image below.HT801 lights

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