Adding and Using an RQS Shop
Last updated on by Freeola Support
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The RQS Website Builder includes an eCommerce Website Builder feature that offers you the option to add a Page, or series of Pages, to your website allowing you to sell, or highlight, products or services.
The Pages can be used by your visitors to purchase your items or services, making payment via PayPal, or used to showcase your items before a telephone or in-person order.
Should you choose to take orders via your website you will receive a confirmation email and notification within the RQS Notification Feed giving details of the customer and their order (along with any confirmation from PayPal) to ensure that you never miss a sale.
To add a Shop to your RQS Website select Shop then Create Shop from the Top RQS Menu. This will open the Create Shop window.
Before you can start to create your RQS Shop you will need to decide whether or not you would like to allow visitors to order your products and services directly from your website (via PayPal) or if you would like your Shop pages to function as a catalogue, where products can be viewed, but not purchased online.
Enabled - Selecting this option will allow visitors to place orders and make payments for your products and services directly from your website.
Disabled - If you would prefer your customers to not place orders online, but would still like to showcase your products on your website, select this option.
PayPal Details - If you have selected Enabled above, an additional field will appear into which you should enter your PayPal email address. Please double-check the spelling of any email address entered within this field.
This selection is not final, should you wish to change how your Shop functions at a later date you can edit this setting at any time.
Once you have made your selection, click Create Shop to continue.
Managing and Manually Adding Products
Importing/Exporting Products
Delivery & Payment Settings
Displaying a Shop
Styling Your Shop
If you are following this guide, the Manage Shop Products window will now be open. However, you can always access this window from the Shop > Manage Products option found within the RQS Top Menu.
With no products in your Shop, you will be provided five options within this window:
Import Products - If you have previously exported your products from an RQS or InstantPro Shop, select this option. For more information on Importing and Exporting Products, please see the Import/Export section of this guide.
Create a New Product - To add a new product, click this button. The Add Shop Product window will open, and is explained in detail below.
Export Products - If you would like to keep a backup of your Products, or are planning to use these same products in another RQS Shop, the Export option will generate a file to allow you to do so. For more information on Importing and Exporting Products, please see the Import/Export section of this guide.
Cancel - This option cancels any unsaved changes and returns you to the RQS Builder.
Finish - Once you have made your changes, click Finish to save and be returned to the RQS Builder.
To add a new product to your Shop click the Create A New Product option, this will open the Add Shop Product window.
This window features three tabs, each controlling one aspect of the product.
Product Information
Product Name - The Name you would like to give your product. This will appear within your Shop/Category Page, Product Page and Shop Bar, and will also be used to pass details to you when/if this product is ordered. As such, it is recommended that this field clearly lists the product being purchased.
Reference - A unique reference to the Product. This can be numbers, letters, or a mixture of both that can be used to search your Product list either on your website or an exported CSV file.
Category - The Category field allows you to group like Products together to be displayed on a single webpage (if desired). You can use letters or numbers for your Category names. Any previously created Categories will be provided for quick selection should your new product fit into one of these.
Sub-Category - The Sub-Category field can be used to further separate or group your Products. As with the Category field, letters or numbers can be used here and previously created options will appear for selection.
Description - This field should be used to give your customers a full description of the Product or Service you have listed. This description will appear in full on the Product Item page.
New - Tick this box to highlight your Product as New on your Shop pages.
Offer - Enabling this option will highlight to visitors that this product is currently being offered at a lower or special price.
Priority - This tickbox will place this Product in the first/top position on any Shop Page it appears upon.
Active - Enable this option to show this Product within your RQS Shop, disable this option to hide this from view.
Variations - If your product has different options for its look or use - colours for example - you can enter them within this field. Each variation should be separated by a comma. Please note, the Price per Item will not change with the Variation selected.
Max Buy Quantity - If you would like to restrict the number of items your customer can buy of this product, enter the number (or use the arrows) within this field.
Price - The price of your item in pounds and pence, separated by a full stop.
Product Images
The next tab allows you to add an image, or images to your Product. While this information is not required, it is strongly recommended to add an image to your Product.
To add your first image, click Add Product Images. This will open your Media Library allowing you to use a previously uploaded image, an image from the Freeola Stock Image Library or to upload a new image.
To select your image, or images, tick the option under the filename then Select Images.
Once you have selected your image(s) you will be returned to the Product Images tab. If you wish to add further images to your Product you can do so by clicking Add Product Images. To remove an image click the Remove Image / Trash Can text under the image - this immediately removes the image - and to the change the order of your images, if applicable, drag-and-drop using the three horizontal lines (or hamburger menu) next to the image.
Related Products
The final tab allows you to highlight other Products within your Shop that you think your customer may also like, based on this Product. To enable this optional feature click Add Related Products.
This will open a new window listing all products within your Shop. To link another Product to this, tick the box in the Select column and click Select Products.
As with the Product Images you can add further linked Products using the Add Related Products button, change the order of these Products using the three horizontal lines (hamburger menu) or remove the Product by clicking the Trash Can.
Once you have entered all of your desired information, click Finish to save. To add another Product, click the Create A New Product option again and follow the above steps, otherwise click Finish to save and return to the builder.
If you have a large number of Products you wish to add, or manage, within your RQS Shop at once, you may find it beneficial to do so via a .CSV (or spreadsheet) file which can then be imported into your new Shop page.
We have provided a separate guide on creating such a file for use within RQS from scratch, which can be accessed here.
If you already have created an RQS Shop in another website, or simply would like to keep a back-up of your Shop Products (recommended), then the RQS Builder allows the easy exporting of this data in the relevant format.
Exporting Shop Data
To export your existing RQS Shop simply open the Manage Shop Products window by selecting Shop then Manage Products from the RQS Top Menu. From this window select Export Products.
Your device will now attempt to save your exported CSV file within your nominated Downloads folder.
If you have a legacy InstantPro Shop you would like to Export into RQS, you can learn how to Export your Product List from the Using a Spreadsheet InstantPro Guide.
Importing Shop Data
Once you have your Shop Product data in a CSV file you can easily Import this into your new Shop from the Manage Shop Products window. If you don't have this open already, you can access this by selecting Shop then Manage Products from the RQS Top Menu. From this window select Import Products.
From the Import Product List window that opens, select Browse Files then navigate to wherever you saved your CSV and select it.
This process will slightly differ depending on your chosen browser software, but selecting the file then clicking Open, or double-clicking the file, will typically begin the Import process.
Once Imported you will be asked to confirm your actions for new and duplicate products. Once you have made your choices, click Finish.
You will now be returned to the Manage Shop Pages window with your Imported Products ready to display on your site. Click Finish to return to the Builder.
If you wish to edit your Products any time after adding them to your Shop you can do so from the Manage Shop Products window. To open this select Shop then Manage Products from the RQS Top Menu.
To edit any Product click the information within the Image, Reference, Product Name, Category, Price or Status headings, this will open the Edit Shop Product window as outlined above.
If you no longer require a Product within your Shop and would like to remove it completely, click the Trash Can icon next to the Product. You would be asked to confirm the deletion on a new window. Once removed, the Product information will be unrecoverable.
Click Finish to return to the Builder once you have finished your changes.
If you have enabled the ability for visitors to your RQS Shop to purchase your Products then you have a few options to customise the Checkout process.
Delivery Settings
In order to set Delivery Charges and Options select Shop then Delivery Settings from the RQS Top Menu. This will open the Delivery Settings window.
Delivery Charge Type
The main section of this window is a drop-down menu that allows you to select your delivery charges.
Free Delivery on all Items - If you will not be charging any delivery costs on your orders, then select this option.
Flat Rate Delivery Charge Per Item - The second option allows you to set a delivery charge on a per item basis. After selecting this option you will be provided with several more fields allowing you to set a Delivery Service (with the option of creating more) and discounts for delivery on orders with multiple items.
Flat Rate Delivery Charge per Order - The final option allows you to set your Delivery Charges per order. As with the Per Item option you can create different Delivery Services and Prices which your customer will select during checkout.
Ask for delivery address, email, telephone and delivery instructions during the checkout process - Enabling this tickbox will ask your customers to enter/confirm delivery details during the checkout process. This is highly recommended.
Once you have selected your Delivery Settings click Finish to save and return to the builder.
Discount Codes
The RQS Shop allows you to create voucher codes for your website which you can pass on to your customers to offer discounts in your Shop.
If you would like to enable this feature select Discount Voucher Codes from the Shop option within the RQS Top Menu. This will open the Discount Voucher Codes window.
To create your Voucher Code click Create A Discount Voucher Code. A new line will be added to this window giving you options to create your Voucher Code.
Voucher Code - The code you would like to use. As this is something you will be giving out to customers and expect them to enter, we would advise something simple and memorable.
Voucher Type - The type of discount you would like to offer, either Fixed Price or Percentage.
Voucher Value - The amount of discount you are offering with this voucher, in numerical value. For example an input of 10 would provide either a 10% or a £10 discount depending on the selection in the previous field.
Min. Spend - If you only want your voucher to apply after a certain spend amount, enter your value within this field.
Apply To - Clicking within this field will allow you to select either individual products, groups of products or All Products for this voucher to apply to.
Remove - If you no longer wish to offer this Voucher Code, click the Trash Can icon to delete it.
Once you have created your Vouchers Codes, click Finish to save and return to the builder.
Payment Settings
If you have enabled payments for your RQS Shop you can edit your payment details, provide payment instructions or remove this functionality altogether from the Paypal Payment Settings window.
To access this, select Shop then Paypal Payment Settings from the RQS Top Menu.
Enable Customer Payments - Ticking this option will allow your customers to make purchases through your site, paying you via Paypal. Leaving this option blank will convert your Shop into a catalogue that will allow visitors to view your Products and Services.
If you enable this option, you are provided two further fields:PayPal Email Address - The email address used for your Paypal account. We would advise you check the spelling of this extremely carefully.
Additional Email Address - If you have a secondary, or backup, Paypal account, enter the email address here. (Optional)
Billing Currency - The currency you would like to sell your Products in, either Pounds Sterling, Euros, or US Dollars. Only one can be selected per RQS Site.
Alternative Payment Instructions - If you have not enabled on-site payments you can use this area to outline alternative arrangements for your customers, such as a telephone ordering number or store address.
Once you have finished amending your payment settings click Finish to save and return to the builder.
Now that you have added Products to your Shop you will need to add ways for visitors to your site to access them. The RQS Builder offers a few different ways for your visitors to find your Products.
As a New Page or Page Section
To add a new Page Section to your page Right-Click any area within your content to open the RQS Menu, then select Insert Page Section. From the secondary menu that opens, choose where you would like the section to initially appear. You can either Insert Section Above or Insert Section Below the selected location.
This placement isn't final, you can still move your Page Section once created.
Once you have chosen your initial placement the Add Page Section window will open allowing you to select a Section Type, select Manual Shop then click Add Page Section to continue.
The Select Products window that now opens will allow you to add select Products to this Section or Page through the Add Products button.
Clicking this button will display all of your Products, which can be filtered by Category. If you would like to add additional Products at this point, you can easily do so by clicking Create A New Product otherwise select your desired Products from the list by ticking the box in the Select column, then clicking Select Products.
The Select Products window will open again, displaying your selected Products. From here you can change the Order of your Products using the Three Horizontal Lines/Hamburger Menu, make changes to a Product using the Edit/Pencil icon or delete the Product from this Section by clicking the Remove/Trash Can icon. Once you are satisfied with these changes, click Finish to return to the builder.
If you wish to edit the Products that display, or the order they appear in, Right-Click anywhere within this section and click Select Products from the RQS Menu.
Adding Introduction Text
The Manual Shop Section includes a small section intended for a short introduction for your highlighted Shop Products. You may find this useful for providing your visitors information on why these products are highlighted, or details on where they can find the rest of your Products.
To edit this section, Right-Click anywhere within the Manual Shop area then select Edit Intro Content.
The introduction can be edited in the same way as any other Content Section of the site. A full in-depth guide on adding information to this section type can be seen on our Content Section guide.
However, if you wish to simply edit the default text you can do so easily by Right-Clicking the area and selecting Edit Text Area. If you wish to remove the Introduction completely select Delete Text Area from the Right-Click Menu.
Once you have created your Introduction, click Finish or anywhere outside of the Section to Save. In the below example we have added some simple text and altered the font settings slightly.
Changing the Section Styling
By default, the Manual Shop Section will use your Site Colour Scheme. However, should you wish to customise this section of your site to make it stand out from the rest, you can do so from the RQS Right-Click Menu. To open this menu, right-click anywhere within the Shop Section and choose Section Styling from the menu.
The Section Styling window will allow you to alter several aspects of the Colour Scheme and provide you with a Live preview of your changes before you save these.
If you would like your custom background to cover the entire width of your site tick the Custom Full Width Background, if you would like your custom background to only cover the Manual Shop section of the page, tick Custom Content Width Background.
These options are not mutually exclusive; the RQS Builder allows you to use both options simultaneously, individually, or not at all.
Once you have decided where your custom background will display, click the large rectangle underneath your selection. This will open the Edit Background window.
This window will offer two tabs: Customise will allow you to create a new background using either a solid colour or image and Existing Backgrounds will allow you to choose from a previously created background.
The drop-down menu on the Customise tab provides several options:
Colour Only - This option allows a solid colour background. By default this will be a transparent colour, but you can change this easily by clicking the small colour square.
Image - These options will allow you to use an image as your section or site background. To select your image select Image, this will open your Media Library. You can either select your desired image from this selection, select a Stock Image or use Upload Media to add a new image. You can also change your background colour should your image selection not fill all available space.
Resize to fill area - This option will resize your image to fill your background space completely. This option is not recommended for very small images.
Fixed position sticky image - This option will expand your image to cover the background, but this will remain static when scrolling through the page content.
Centred at original size - This option will set your image central to the content. If the image is too small to cover the entire area, some tiling (or repeating) of the image will occur.
Tile over entire area - This option will repeat your image over the entire background area. This option is recommended for smaller, simple, images.
Custom - If you wish to further customise how your background image displays, this option allows you to do so. Recommended for Advanced Users only.
Once you have made your decision, click Finish to save.
Text Colours
If you would like to use a different colour font on this page or section from the rest of your site tick the Custom Text Colours box on this window.
This option will allow you to set a custom Text, Link and Link Hover colour. Simply select the colour block next to each option to open the colour picker.
This short section allows customisation of the Breakpoint (The point at which your content begins optimising on smaller screens) and Padding (The size of the space between the content) of this Site Section.
Unless you have a specific reason to do so, it is recommended to leave both of these settings as Off.
Existing Designs
If you have designed content styling already within RQS you can easily select it from this tab.
Once you have decided on your changes, click Finish to save and close the window. You will now be returned to the editor with your changes in place.
Within the Navigation Bar
The RQS Builder also allows you to use your Navigation Menus to link visitors to your Shop. The Side Navigation or Top Navigation (or both) can include a link to your Shop, a single Category, a single Product or the Shop Trolley.
To add such a link, click Pages, then Manage Pages from the RQS Menu. Once the Manage Pages window opens, click Create A Menu Link Page.
The Create Menu Link window will offer a small number of options to help set up this link.
Page Name - This will set what appears within the Navigation Menu. This should be something short that allows your visitor to easily tell where this link goes.
Link To - Selecting this field will open a new window allowing you to select your link location.
For this guide, select Link to your Shop within the top field.
The second field will allow you to select which aspect of your Shop you would like to link to, All Products, A Category, A Single Product, or Your Trolley.
Click Finish to return to the Create Menu Link window.
Show on Top Menu - Tick this box to enable your new Shop Link in the Top Navigation Menu on your site.
Show on Side Menu - Tick this box to enable your Shop Link in the Side Menu of your site (should you have one).
Once done click Finish to return to the Manage Pages window from which you can change where your Shop Link appears within the Navigation Order using the Three Horizontal Lines/Hamburger Menu, edit the link (Settings/Cog Icon), remove the link (Delete/Trash Can) and change which Menu(s) it appears on.
Once satisfied, click Finish to save and return to the builder.
Once you have added a Shop to your RQS Website a bar will appear on every page of your website allowing your visitors access to your Products and Services.
The RQS Builder allows you to customise the look of this bar, the width of the bar and on which Pages it displays.
To view the customisation options for your Shop Bar, Right-Click anywhere within the bar then select Customise Shop Bar from the RQS Menu. The Customise Shop Bar window should now open.
Text Size - The size of the text within your Shop Bar. To change the size, click the drop-down menu and select your chosen size from between 12 and 22px. The larger the number, the larger your Shop Bar text.
Stretch search bar to cover wider websites - Enabled by default, this option will increase the search section of your Shop Bar to cover the width of your page. If you would prefer a smaller search area, untick this option.
Automatically style your shop bar using colours from your website colour scheme - To ease design of your site your Shop Bar will automatically utilise colours from your previously designed Colour Scheme. If you would instead prefer to use a custom design for the Shop Bar, untick this option.
Once unticked, several new options will appear. Clicking within the box next to each heading will allow you to change this section of your Shop Bar:Main Background - The colour of the main portion of your Shop Bar. A full explanation of the different background options available can be seen above.
Input Background - The colour of the drop-down menu and search bar sections of your Shop Bar. A full explanation of the different background options available can be seen above.
Text Colour - The colour of the text within the drop-down menu and search bar.
Input Border Colour - The colour of the border for both the drop-down menu and search bar.
Trolley Icon Colour - The colour for your trolley icon on the Shop Bar.
Bottom Border Colour - Finally, this option sets the colour of the border between your Shop Bar and your main site content.
Once you have made your changes, click Finish to save and return to the builder.
Enabling/Disabling the Bar
If you would prefer your Shop Bar to not display on a particular page, you can turn this feature off from the Page Settings window. To access this, Right-Click anywhere within the Shop Bar and select Page Settings.
A full breakdown on the options available within this window can be found within the Page Settings Help Guide.
The only option we are interested in for this guide is Display the shop bar on this page. A tick in this box will show the Shop Bar on this page, unticking this box will remove it.
This option is page specific; you will need to enable/disable this option on each page individually.
Manual Shop Section
In-depth instructions on changing the styling of a Manual Shop Section on your page can be seen above.
Shop Page or Category Page
The Shop or Category page can be stylised in exactly the same way as any other page on your website, simply Right-Click anywhere within the content of the page and select Section Styling from the RQS Menu.
A guide on the options available on the Section Styling window have been provided above.
In the below example we have set a custom full width and content backgrounds, and changed the text colour to better suit the rest of the page.
Product Pages
As with the Manual Shop Section and Category Pages you can also customise the Product Pages. As before, Right-Click within the page then select Section Styling. A guide on the options available on the Section Styling window have been provided above.
Altering the styling of one Product will alter the styling of all Products.
For this product, we have utilised the existing design created for the Category Page.
Whenever an order is made on your website you will receive an email notification from PayPal as well as a Notification within the RQS Notification Feed.
You can access the Notification Feed by clicking the Envelope Icon on the RQS Menu, or selecting Website Tools then Notification Feed from the same menu.
Clicking on any notification will take you to further information or your Order.
You can also view all of your Orders by selecting View Orders from the Shop menu option.
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