Customising Your Page and Meta Settings
Last updated on by Freeola Support
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Each page you create within the RQS drag-and-drop Builder will provide you with a series of options to further enhance the functionality of your site, and to provide you with the opportunity to alter some search-engine specific settings.
To access this menu, Right-Click anywhere within your page in the builder and select Page Settings from the menu wheel.
The Page Settings window should now open, offering two tabs, each with its own options.
Page Name - This field will display the current name of your page as it will appear within your Navigation Menus and the Manage Pages window. To change the name simply change the content of this field.
Update Page Web Address (URL) - Tick this option if you would also like to update the URL to match the new Page Name. While not required, it is usually recommended to tick this option when renaming pages as it can be useful for SEO purposes.
Show on Top Menu - If this box is ticked, this page will appear on the Top Navigation Menu of your website.
Show on Side Menu - Tick this box to show this page on the Side Navigation Menu of your website.
For more Navigation Menu options, please see our Navigation Menus Guide.
Display the shop bar on this page - This option toggles the Shop Bar on this page (if applicable). If you have a Shop then this bar provides visitors quick access to your Products and to the Trolley. A tick in this box will show the Shop Bar on this page, unticking this box will remove it.
Prevent this page from being indexed by search engines - Ticking this box will enable a NOINDEX meta tag on this page, which will advise search engines to not include this page within their search results.
Page Title - This field sets the text that appears in the browser tab or browser title when visitors access this page. By default this will show the same information as the Page Name field on the previous tab.
Meta Description - This field is used for a short description of the page that may show up within search engine results when/if the page is listed.
Once you are satisfied with your changes, click Finish to save these and return to the builder.
These settings are for this page only; you will need to change these settings for every page you wish to add Meta Information to.
Your page title and meta description are important for search engine optimisation, and have a large effect on the ranking of your page(s). The page title is what will show in search engine results, and the description can be used as the snippet that appears beneath it. Use our page title tester for a preview of how your page could appear in search results.
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