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Password Protecting Pages

Last updated on by Freeola Support

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The RQS Website Builder gives you the ability to set password protected areas on your website. This means that only visitors that you have given the password to are able to access the page or site content.

This guide will take you through setting up this feature along with some of the customisation options available for the login page.

Setting A Password

To set a password on any page you have created within RQS firstly select Pages then Manage Pages from the Top RQS Menu, this will open the Manage Pages window.

RQS Page Manager

This window will show a list of your pages. Next to each Page Name, under the Password heading, is an icon of a padlock. An open/unlocked padlock signifies that there is no password on that page, a locked padlock shows that this page is currently password protected.

To change this setting, click the padlock next to the page you would like to amend this setting on. This will open theĀ Password Protection page. The below example shows a page without a password currently set.

RQS Password Protection

To set a password on this page tick the Enable Password Protection option. This will expand the window with two new fields:

  • Password - Enter your desired password within this field. As with all passwords, it is recommended to use a mixture of Upper- and Lower-case letters and numbers.

  • Additional Information - An optional field that will add a brief message on your login page.

Once done, click Finish.

RQS Password Protection

Customising the Login Page

Now the password has been set, all visitors to your protected page(s) will now be met with a login screen.

RQS Password Login Page

By default, this page will use the Site Colour Scheme. However, should you wish to customise this screen you can do so from the RQS right-click menu. To do so, right-click anywhere within the section and choose Section Styling from the menu.

RQS Password Styling


If you would like your custom background to cover the entire width of your site tick the Custom Full Width Background, if you would like your custom background to only cover the Password Required section of the page, tick Custom Content Width Background.

These options are not mutually exclusive; the RQS Builder allows you to use both options simultaneously, individually, or not at all.

Once you have decided where your custom background will display, click the large rectangle underneath your selection. This will open the Edit Background window.

Edit Password Background

This window will offer two tabs: Customise will allow you to create a new background using either a solid colour or image, and Existing Backgrounds will allow you to choose from a previously created background.

The drop-down menu on the Customise tab provides several options:

  • Colour Only - This option allows a solid colour background. By default this will be a transparent colour, but you can change this easily by clicking the small colour square.

  • Image - These options will allow you to use an image as your section or site background. To select your image select Image, this will open your Media Library. You can either select your desired image from this selection, select a Stock Image or use Upload Media to add a new image. You can also change your background colour should your image selection not fill all available space.

  • Resize to fill area - This option will resize your image to fill your background space completely. This option is not recommended for smaller images.

  • Fixed position sticky image - This option will expand your image to cover the background, but this will remain static when scrolling through the page content. As you will likely only see a small part of this image, this is not recommended for a Password Login page.

  • Centred at original size - This option will set your image central to the content. If the image is too small to cover the entire area, some tiling (or repeating) of the image will occur.

  • Tile over entire area - This option will repeat your image over the entire background area. This option is recommended for smaller, simple, images.

  • Custom - If you wish to further customise how your background image displays, this option allows you to do so. Recommended for Advanced Users only.

Once you have made your decision, click Finish to save.

Text Colours

If you would like to use a different colour font in your Password Login section as the rest of your site tick the Custom Text Colours box on this window.

This option will allow you to set a custom Text, Link and Link Hover colour. Simply select the colour block next to each option to open the colour picker.

Password Text Colours


This short section allows customisation of the Breakpoint (The point at which your content begins optimising on smaller screens) and Padding (The size of the space between the content) of this Site Section.

Unless you have a specific reason to do so, it is recommended to leave both of these settings as Off.

Existing Designs

If you have designed content styling already within RQS you can easily select it from this tab.

Once you have decided on your changes, click Finish to save and close the window.

Changing or Removing the Password

If you wish to change the password on your page(s) or remove it entirely you can do so either by Right-Clicking the login area of the page and selecting Password Settings from the RQS Menu or by Clicking the Padlock on the Manage Pages window.

Either of these methods will return you to the Password Protection window allowing you to toggle the Enable Password Protection tickbox or edit the Password or the Additional Information fields.

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