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One Touch Switching for Broadband

Last updated on by Freeola Support

One Touch Switching - what does it mean for you?

One Touch Switching is coming for broadband, and ultimately phone contracts, but what is it, and what does it mean for you, the consumer?

What is One Touch Switching?

One Touch switching is a new system designed to speed up and ease the process of changing broadband and phone contracts from one provider to another. The intention is to ensure that ALL switches happen in the shortest possible time, with all information regarding current and new contracts and commitments being passed to the customer without delay. It should also mean that switching is easy even if you are changing technologies, such as moving from a cable provider to fibre for example.

This should mean that whenever you choose to change providers, you are supplied with all relevant costs and implications before you commit to anything. It should also allow the process to commence immediately, and should eliminate delays in provision, outside of any unusual circumstances.

What changes with One Touch Switching?

Currently, when a request is made to transfer a broadband or phone service, much of the process lacks automation (different providers may have different processes) and requires a number of steps to be carried out by both the gaining and losing providers. This can result in the process taking several days, sometimes longer, to complete, and could involve you talking to both your current provider and your new one.

With One Touch Switching, you, the customer, make the request with your intended provider, and all steps to proceed are checked, verified and confirmed automatically during your transaction. Relevant information regarding exit fees or penalties should be generated and sent to you by the losing provider automatically. Where technically possible, the whole process could be completed in a single day, otherwise all services would switch on an agreed date.

Who will be using One Touch Switching?

All internet (and eventually phone) providers will be required to use the system; this is a universal change to the way the industry handles customers and their services, and is intended to standardise the process for moving or transferring between providers. This should mean that as a consumer, you will know exactly what to expect when changing providers.

Key Points

  • Switching providers should be easier and quicker

  • The process should be the same, regardless of who you currently subscribe with

  • You should only need to contact the provider you are moving to

  • All information regarding fees and penalties should be sent to you automatically

  • One Touch Switching is scheduled to go live on 12th September, 2024

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