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Freeola Network Status

Network status and service announcements


If there are any network faults or service announcements, you can find details below. For regular updates with on-going service issues, please follow @Freeola on X(Twitter).

If you are experiencing an issue with your internet connection, you can also use our Broadband Outage Checker to see if there are any major service outages affecting your line.

EmailPro Servers
View service information
Free Email Servers
Status: online and fast.
SSD Hosting Servers
Status: online and fast.
Web Hosting Servers
Status: online and fast.
InstantPro Servers
Status: online and fast.
Status: online and fast.
Unlimited Web Servers
Status: online and fast.
Line Rental
Status: online and fast.
Status: online and fast.
Status: online and fast.

Service Information

1. Network maintenance - 24/02/2025 20:00

Date Opened: 15:38 05/02/2025

Systems Affected:
EmailPro Servers
Customer SQL
Vip Hosting

Fault Information:

Our upstream network provider will be carrying out service affecting maintenance during the following window:
20:00 24/02/2025
01:00 25/02/2025
During this time access to the services listed above may be interrupted. Services will be restored once maintenance has completed.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

2. Problems with automated forwarding (Yahoo/Microsoft based addresses)

Date Opened: 09:57 18/10/2024

Systems Affected:
EmailPro Servers

Fault Information:

If you are forwarding mail to Yahoo/AOL addresses, we are seeing some issues with their acceptance at the remove end (messages are being delayed and some refused).
While we will try to get Yahoo/AOL to resolve this issue, we would always advise you to setup your mail to be received directly via a freeola POP/IMAP account to ensure that you receive your mail (forwarding relies on the recipient to accept the mail).

Fault Updates:

15:19 14/01/2025

This issue seems to be currently cleared from all our servers.  However we would still recommend that you receive mail directly (or forward to a Freeola hosted email address) as automated forwarding to a externally hosted email address relies on the the host you are forwarding to, to accept the mail.

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