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Freeola General Glossary

Last updated on by Freeola Support

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Welcome to the Freeola internet customer support pages. This guide is designed to provide more information on some of the terms that are used on the help pages, or that may be used throughout the website. For more internet help topics please visit our main Support Page.

A Record

An A Record is a DNS record which holds an IP address for a domain or subdomain. Anyone that then visits that domain or subdomain is directed to the server with the set IP address.

The main use of an A Record is to point a domain name to the webserver that hosts the website, although other uses exist.


Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line

This is the technology used to provide a broadband connection. There are two variations of this technology that are currently in use, these are ADSL and ADSL2+. ADSL2+ allows a higher maximum downstream rate of 24Mb as opposed to ADSL which allows up to 8Mb and is available to customers on a 21CN exchange. This rate however is also effected by other limiting factors such as your distance from the exchange and your line quality.

As traditional landlines are being phased out by the end of January 2027, Freeola no longer offers ADSL services to new customers and all ADSL services, through any provider, will end by this date.


Software which will display adverts against your will. This may be in the form of pop-ups, extra browser toolbars, changing your homepage or otherwise.

Some browsers offer options to hide, or remove, these elements of webpages, known as Adblockers.

Antivirus Program

An Antivirus Program is computer software which is designed to detect and remove virus/malware threats on your computer.

Freeola are a reseller of ESET Antivirus and Firewall services, this software is both recommended and used in house by Freeola for the detection and removal of viruses. For more information please see the Secure Antivirus page.


Analog Telephone Adapter

An adapter that is used to connect an analogue telephone handset to an internet router in order to provide a VoIP (Voice over IP) service.

The Grandstream HTx Series is sold by Freeola as part of our Freeola Voice service.


Derived from Web Log. This is a web based log which is usually used to report on the day-to-day experiences of a person or to present news about a company or product.


A technology used to access the Internet via a standard telephone line. Data is transmitted at a higher frequency than used for voice calls and as such, a broadband connection does not prevent you making calls while connected to the Internet, it however does require specialist equipment at the exchange. Until recently, broadband technology used throughout the majority of the UK was ADSL although FTTC/SoGEA, FTTP Ultrafast, and Cable services are now provided in many areas.

For more information on Freeola's broadband service, please visit the UK Broadband page.


Common Gateway Interface

CGI is an older scripting technique used to connect scripts for your website with the back end programming language on the web server. With modern scripting techniques, such as PHP, there is no real need for websites to be written using CGI any longer.

For more information, please see the CGI Essential Help Guide


Content Management System

A web based system usually programmed in a server side language such as PHP which allows users to actively develop, update and maintain their website using a friendly online interface. A CMS can be installed onto a web server in place of a website. The user can then visit an online URL of the CMS from any location to manage their website.

Many popular CMS software are included within our cPanel SSD Hosting services and we even have a hosting subscription that comes with Wordpress installed automatically.


Dial-up was a technology used to access the Internet via a telephone line. A connection was established by dialling the telephone number of the Internet Service Provider.

Due to the age and limitations of the technology, Freeola withdrew our dial-up services in February 2019.

Dial-Up Modem

A modem device that would have been used to connect to a Dial-up service. Due to the age of the technology, this hardware would be extremely unlikely to be compatible with modern Operating Systems.


Domain Name System

The name of the system used by the Internet to translate host names into IP Addresses. For example, whenever you visit a website the website address is converted into an IP address by your web browser using DNS. A request is then sent to the server at the IP address for the website data.

Domain Name

A domain name is a name that has been registered to a company or individual. Information is then stored with this name at the registry that is used to direct traffic to a web server or an email server. This allows a domain name to be used to point to a website, or to be used as part of an email address.

Domain names usually consist of a string of letters, numbers and/or hyphens followed by a full stop then a Top Level Domain (TLD) such as .com or .co.uk, for example "freeola.com".

If you would like to register a domain name, please visit the GetDotted Domain Names website.


Digital Subscriber Line

A commonly used abbreviation of ADSL.

DSL/Telephone Cable

The cable used to connect your modem/router to the microfilter at your telephone socket. This cable is commonly black or grey and has an RJ14 connector each side.


Email/E-Mail is derived from Electronic Mail and is a technology used for sending and receiving messages over the Internet. In order to use email, you will require an email address. Any messages then sent to your email address are held by your provider until you wish to access them using an Email Client. Email Protocols include POP3, IMAP and SMTP.

For more information on Freeola's email services, please visit the free email page.

Email Address

An email address is an address used to identify where to send an email message to. An email address is broken into two parts, firstly a mailbox name or alias, secondly a domain name. This is represented in the format of mailbox@domain-name. The domain name is usually provided by your email provider unless you have purchased your own.

The mailbox name or alias is usually customisable and can be created using a combination of letters, numbers and other valid characters. An example of an email address would be [email protected].

Email Client

A program that runs on your computer which will download and send your email messages as required. Popular email clients include Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird and Mac Mail.

For help setting up an email client for use with a Freeola email address, please visit the email support page.

Ethernet Cable

A cable commonly used to network computers and other devices. If you are using a router, you will usually use this cable to create a connection from your PC to your router, unless using a wireless connection. This cable is commonly grey or yellow and has an RJ45 connector each side.


Online discussion board which is divided into categories. Visitors are able to browse, read through and post messages in existing discussions (threads) within a category, or create their own discussion (thread) entirely.

Forums are mostly obsolete in the modern internet, having been replaced by more instant options such as provided by the many Social Media services available.


File Transfer Protocol

This a protocol used to transfer files from one computer to another. Freeola use FTP to allow users to access files on their web space directly.


Fibre to the Cabinet and Fibre to the Premises

Sometimes referred to as VDSL. A more modern technology for providing internet connections to a premises which makes use of fibre optic cables either to a nearby telephone cabinet (FTTC) or all the way into a premises (FTTP).

Due to the reduced length of copper cabling used in such connections, download and upload speeds on these types of services are likely to be greatly higher than standard ADSL.


HyperText Markup Language

A coding standard that is used for webpages on the Internet. HTML is used to present a web page in a way that a computer can understand and transmit easily. For example, whenever a webpage is visited on the World Wide Web, HTML code is sent to your computer which tells your computer what to display. This is then processed and the webpage that the HTML describes is displayed on screen.

HTML is viewed using Web Browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.


Internet Message Access Protocol

The IMAP protocol allows for synchronised e-mail across multiple devices. For example, if you start composing an email on your laptop at home in the morning, you will be able to access the draft on your iPhone on your way to work on the train. Similarly, if you read an e-mail on your laptop, and then access your e-mail from your home computer, that same e-mail will automatically appear as having already been read. Any actions performed on your mailbox will remain intact regardless of where, when & how you access it.

IMAP e-mail addresses are available through our EmailPro service.

Internet Protocol

The Internet protocol is a routing and addressing protocol for sending packets of data over the Internet. This means that it is responsible for delivering the data sent to the intended destination. Machines on the Internet are addressed and located using an IP Address.

IP Address

Internet Protocol Address

An IP address is the address of a machine or network according to the Internet protocol. The way the address is formatted depends on the version of the Internet protocol that is in use. Versions include IPv4 and IPv6.

A static IP address is provided with all Freeola Broadband connections.


Internet Protocol Version 4

This is the version of the Internet protocol which is primarily in use on the Internet. IPv4 addresses are usually represented as four numbers between 0 and 254 separated by dots. For example

All Freeola Broadband services come with a Static IPv4 address as standard.


Internet Protocol Version 6

The version of the Internet protocol which is planned to succeed IPv4 due to the shortage of IP addresses available. IPv6 allows for a much greater number of potential IP addresses and, with the number of computers connecting the Internet increasing, will become more prevalent in the future.

IPv6 addresses consist of 8 hexidecimal numbers between 0 and FFFF separated by colons. For example C04:FEF2:842A:5:89C:C401:FF34:3456.


Internet Service Provider

A provider of internet services. This usually refers the provider that you use to access the internet via broadband.

For example, Freeola is an ISP.


Migration Authorisation Code

This code used to be in use during the process of transferring an internet connection between two different ISPs. However, this system was abolished and the need for codes to switch internet services was removed completely.

For details on how to move or terminate a Freeola Connection, please visit our Migrating/Terminating Your Connection guide.


Software designed to have a negative effect on you or your computer. Malware may cause harm to your computer, harvest personal information or display adverts.

Freeola are a reseller of ESET Antivirus and Firewall service, this software is both recommended and used in house by Freeola for the detection and removal of malware.

For more information please see the Secure Antivirus page.


A device used to filter the broadband signals on a telephone line from calls and voice communication. This device should be fitted between the telephone socket and the DSL/telephone cable which connects to your broadband router/modem. A microfilter should also be fitted at every telephone socket on the same line between the telephone socket and any other telephony devices such as telephones, alarm systems and Sky boxes.


Modulator Demodulator

Used to convert the digital signal that your router/computer uses into a signal to be transmitted over the telephone line. The modem handles communication between your home network and the exchange.

MX Record

Mail Exchanger Record

A DNS record used to direct email traffic to the correct mail server. An MX record can be set to either be an IP address or a host name.


My Structured Query Language

An open source relational database system based on SQL. MySQL is commonly used for web based applications such as content management systems to store page information and shopping carts to store the products.

Freeola's SSD WP and SSD Pro Hosting services provide the option of adding and using SQL databases with your website.

Name Server

A name server is a server used to resolve DNS requests. For example when you attempt to visit a web page using a website address, a request is sent to a name server to obtain the IP Address of the web server which hosts the website.


Optical Network Terminal

For Full-Fibre (FTTP) internet connections an Openreach modem would be installed where the fibre-optic cable enters the property - this will then supply the internet connection. ONT's can be connected to directly, or via a compatible router.

If you do not have an ONT within your property and you sign up for a Freeola FTTP Service, one will be installed during the required engineer appointment.

Operating System

An operating system is the software on your computer which controls both the computer hardware and provides the user with an on screen environment that they can use to operate the system. Examples of operating systems include Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X and GNU/Linux.

P2P/Bit Torrent

Peer to Peer/Bit Torrent

A system which allows files to be shared easily around the Internet. This involves a file being broken up into segments, a seed (a computer with the full file) then sends different segments to the peers (a computer which has none/part of the file) that need the file. The peers then send their segments of the file to other peers which need the same segment while continuing to download. This continues until all peers have the entire file or no peers are connected.

This can be used to dramatically reduce the load on a server distributing an update or other software, however has also been misused to illegally distribute copyrighted materials over the Internet.


A legacy server side interpreted programming language that was widely used before the introduction of PHP. Example uses of Perl are to create scripts for sending forms via email, visitor counters or content management systems.

The use of Perl is no longer recommended for modern websites as everything it was able to do is now covered fully by PHP.


This is the fraudulent act of attempting to obtain personal information such as credit card details via electronic means, usually by email. For example, someone who is phishing may send the potential victim an email stating that they are owed a large sum of money in an attempt to entice them into replying with bank details.


PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

A programming language that can be used to create interactive websites. PHP is commonly used for content management systems, visitor counters and for sending mail forms.

Freeola SSD Hosting allows full customisation of the PHP version and the PHP modules used on your webspace.


Post Office Protocol 3

This is a protocol used by email to allow users to access their email messages via an Email Client. POP3 allows direct access to the messages that are stored on the server. By default, if using POP3 most Email Clients will access the server, download any messages, then delete these messages from the server so that they are not downloaded again.


This is a standardised set of rules for communication between computer systems. This can be thought of in human terms as a language. Depending on what task is being carried out, a different protocol may be used.

For example, when sending messages SMTP would be the protocol used to communicate the message to the server.


A router is a device used to forward packets of data on to the next location. Internet routers contain a built in modem so they can receive information from your computer and forward this information down your telephone line to the broadband equipment at the exchange.

Search Engine

This is a website on the World Wide Web that can be used to locate another website on the subject that you are looking for. Terms are entered into the search engine, the search engine then returns a list of related website. Examples of search engines include Google and Bing.

Search engines keep a record of websites on the Internet and, unless another website links to your website, you may need to manually add your website to a search engine's records before it will appear in any results.


Search Engine Optimisation

The name given to the process of optimising a website specifically for search engines in an attempt to make the website appear nearer the top of the results when a search is run.

Shopping Cart/Trolley

Refers to an online system designed to store information on which products you would like to purchase while you are looking through the website, then take you through the checkout/payment process so that you can finalise and pay for the order.


Structured Query Language

A technology used to create and manage data in a relational database format. Information in an SQL database is stored in tables which can be quickly queried (searched) as required.

CMS software, such as Wordpress, requires SQL in order to function.


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

This is the protocol used to transfer emails between providers. SMTP is used to both send messages from your email client to your provider, and from your provider to the recipient's provider.


Server Side Includes

This is a basic server side scripting language that is primarily useful for inserting external text or code into a specific part of a file. This can be useful if you have some code or text that may regularly change, however needs to be included in many files or over many pages. SSI allows for changes to be made in one place and take effect over all pages with the include directive.

SSI has primarily been replaced by CSS Files.


Secure Sockets Layer

This is a security layer designed to allow information to be sent securely over the Internet. SSL is commonly used by websites when taking sensitive information such as login credentials or card details to ensure that these are not legible in the unlikely event that they are intercepted.

You can tell if a website you are visiting has an SSL Certificate by the 'padlock' icon shown in the address bar of your browser.

If you are interested in an SSL certificate for your website which allows you transmit data securely please visit our SSL Certificates page for further information.

Static IP Address

A fixed IP Address which doesn't change when you reconnect to the Internet.

All Freeola broadband customers are provided with a static IP as standard with their broadband connection.


Top Level Domain

A combination of letters which can be used as part of a domain name. Each Top Level Domain is specific to one domain name registry which manages all domain names that use that TLD. For example, .uk is managed by Nominet.


A Trojan is a type of malware which looks to perform a useful function, although instead (or as well as) does something malicious such as install some adware.

Freeola are a reseller of ESET Antivirus and Firewall services, this software is both recommended and used in house by Freeola for the detection and removal of trojans. For more information please see the Secure Antivirus page.


Uniform Resource Locator

A URL is a line of text used to determine the location of a resource. In terms of the web, this is used to determine the website and page to display.

For example, if you were to enter the URL https://freeola.com/support/ into the address bar of a web browser, it would determine you would like to visit the freeola.com website and visit the support page.

USB Cable

Universal Serial Bus Cable

USB is a universal plug and play technology which allows you to connect a variety of different devices to your computer. USB cables are typically used to connect external devices (harddrives, telephones, gaming controllers) to your machine.


A computer virus is a malware program which can duplicate itself around computer system, or to other machines. Viruses will usually also have another purpose to just duplicating, such as displaying ads or causing harm to your computer. Often, other forms of malware which cannot replicate are called viruses.

Freeola are a reseller of ESET Antivirus and Firewall services, this software is both recommended and used in house by Freeola for the detection and removal of trojans. For more information please see the Secure Antivirus page.


Voice over IP

Voice over IP (VoIP) is the modern digital alternative to a traditional landline with calls being transmitted via your internet connection. It has all of the same benefits as a landline, can be used with a normal home telephone handset, and can make and receive calls in much the same way. However, as all of this is carried out over the internet, there is no need for a separate land line, with voice data transmitted faster and clearer over the fibre network.

With the upcoming removal of WLR services, VoIP services should become more and more common.

Freeola Voice is a VoIP service provided through Freeola and is usable with any Internet or Network Provider.

Web Browser

Computer program used to browse pages on the World Wide Web. Common Web Browsers include Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Web Space/Web Hosting

Refers to an online storage space which is used to store your website files. When somebody visits your website, your web space is scanned for the relevant files, they are then loaded and sent to the computer requesting your site as required.

Freeola currently offer two different web hosting packages.

  • The Freeola Web Hosting service is a paid for web hosting service which provides you with unlimited hosting space that can be accessed from any Internet connection.

  • We also offer the RQS Website Builder which provides an online website builder allowing you to create and edit your website using an online interface, the website files are then handled by the website builder directly.


Wireless Equivalent Privacy

A wireless encryption algorithm which uses a 64bit, 128bit or 256bit key to prevent unauthorised access to the wireless network.

This has since been replaced by WPA and WPA2 due to security issues and should not be used any longer.


Term suggesting Wireless Fidelity that is commonly used to refer to a wireless connection (IEEE 802.11).

Sometimes incorrectly used when referring to an internet connection.

Wireless Connection (IEEE 802.11)

A wireless connection is a connection that uses radio signals to transmit data rather then using a cable and is commonly used in a home network to connect a computer or device such as a mobile phone to a wireless router.

Wireless N (IEEE 802.11n)

A wireless technology claiming to be capable of faster speeds then Wireless G (108Mbps) and capable of data transmission over greater distances.


Wi-Fi Protected Access

A wireless security protocol which is designed to be more secure then WEP. In home networking, the Pre-shared Key (PSK) version is normally used, which allows a password to be specified which would then need to be entered into all devices before they can access the network.


Wi-Fi Protected Access 2

An enhanced version of WPA which uses AES encryption rather then TKIP to reduce vulnerabilities.


World Wide Web

A global collection of web pages, indexed using domain names, website addresses and IP Addresses.

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