Creating a Snippet within RQS
Last updated on by Freeola Support
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This guide explains how to add third-party code to a website built with the easy website builder, RQS. If you have a piece of code that doesn't fit into any RQS Content Section, or are looking to include a plugin from a third-party site into your website, the RQS Snippet Feature will allow you to load this onto the page quickly and easily.
Typically, this feature will be used for introducing aspects from other websites - Facebook Groups, Twitter Feeds or Instagram Posts, for example - into your page content, but can also be used to include other forms of JS scripting.
More specific guides on adding the most popular Snippets can be found towards the bottom of this page.
To add a Snippet to your page firstly log in to your RQS builder.
Select the page you wish to add this content on from the Manage Pages menu item then, using the Right-Click Menu, use the Edit Content option (or Add a Content Section) within the area you would like the Snippet to appear.
When editing the Content Area, right-click again and select Add Page Element, then Add Snippet. Next move your mouse cursor to your desired location, and click to Save.
In the example below we are placing our Snippet at the top of our content area.
Now either Double-Click the Snippet Area or select Manage Snippets from the Website Tools menu to open the Manage Snippets window. Select Create a New Snippet to open the Edit Snippet window.
This window will offer two options:
Snippet Name - This is what your Snippet will be called. As this Name will be used within the page(s) you are creating and the Snippet menu, we would advise you choose a Name that you can later identify, such as a description of the code or plugin you are adding.
Snippet Code - This is where you will enter the code you have created or has been provided to you by your third party. Typically, the entire body of code you have been provided should be entered in here, including any opening and closing tags.
In the example below, we are adding the Freeola Twitter Handle to our site.
Now click Finish to save. You will be returned to the Manage Snippets window, from which you will need to select your new Snippet by selecting the radio button on the left. Once you have done so, click Finish (or Select Snippet).
Your Snippet Element will now update to show your Snippet Name and will allow to you change placement again, if required. Click Finish (or select another area) to save your changes.
Please Note: Due to the nature of some Snippets you may be required to refresh the RQS editor to fully load this information within the editor.
While a large number of different plugins and code strings will work using this feature, the code strings in the following list have been fully tested by Freeola Support Staff. Clicking on any item will take you to a step-by-step guide on adding that plugin to your site.
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