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Freeola's Website Guide: Part 2: What is Web Hosting?

Last updated on by Freeola Support

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Web Hosting Packages & Features

If in the end, if you do decide to go with a simple web hosting package that doesn't include many free tools, there are many free tools, statistics packages and more out there for you to use in conjunction with your web space. Take a look at Google Analytics or Webmaster Tools for the most popular, robust, tools available (provided by Google).

With your web site designed and waiting to go live, you're going to need to look for a web hosting package. So, what is web hosting? Well, a web hosting package is basically a collection of features bundled together and used for getting your web site online. You'll commonly be required to pay for your web hosting package, and this will more often than not be on a monthly basis.

Web Space

The internet is made out of a vast network of computers and IP Addresses, known as servers, which are accessible and viewable by anybody with an internet connection. The web space included in a web hosting package is a section of space on one of these servers where your web site can be stored, and therefore available to view on the web by anyone with access to the internet.

Different web hosting packages provide different amounts of space, and you'll usually pay more or less for your web hosting package depending on how much web space it provides. If your web site was built by a web designer, they will normally let you know how much web space you will need, and may well either include website hosting in their package or recommend a suitable web host for you.

A few web hosting providers, however, offer packages with unlimited web space at no extra cost so you don't even need to worry about how large your web site is, or adding new pages and images to it at a later date. A great example of a web hosting package with unlimited web space would be the Freeola Web Hosting range.

It's then a fairly simple case of moving your files from your computer onto your webspace using a method called FTP Uploading. Take a look at our FTP Upload Guide for more on this.

Web Hosting Features

Although, essentially, all you really need from a web hosting package is enough web space to store your web site, most packages offer some great extra features which can really improve your web site.

A lot of packages will provide you with tools to track how many visitors your web site is receiving on a daily, weekly and/or monthly basis. You'll also likely find tools to improve the ranking in which your web site appears when users search for relevant terms on search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo.

Different features will appeal to different people, and will also depend on what you want to achieve with your web site. If you want to make money from your new web site, then you'll need to pay attention to where your visitors are coming from, what type of computer they are using and perhaps what language they speak, so you can improve the site based on this information. If you just want a web site so your family can see up-to-date photos of your new pet meerkat, then making your web site accessible for all might not matter so much.

Take a look at some of the great benefits offered by all of the Freeola Web Hosting packages for features that you may prefer with your web hosting package. Even the cheapest package has unlimited web space and enough great features to rival web hosting packages provided elsewhere.

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