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Freeola's Website Guide: Part 3: FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Upload Guide

Last updated on by Freeola Support

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Moving Files From Your Computer To Your Web Space

By this stage, all the hard work is already done. Your website is designed, and your web hosting is ready to be used. All that's left is simply a case of moving your website onto the web space included with your web hosting package.

The means of transferring your web site onto the web is done by FTP, or File transfer protocol, and is surprisingly simple. Once you have all the details and information you need, uploading generally only takes a few minutes. You'll only need to transfer your files using FTP once, but every time you update a file you'll need to replace this again by using FTP.

Your Unique FTP details

Once you find a web hosting package that's suitable for you, and have purchased this from a particular web host provider, they will provide you with your unique FTP details so you can upload to your web space.

Normally you'll be required to login to your control panel with said web host, where you will find your unique FTP details for your web space. Alternatively, you should be able to obtain these details simply by phoning or e-mailing your web host provider.

For Freeola Hosting customers, all FTP information for your site can be found within the Websites & Hosting section of your MyFreeola Control Panel.

FTP Client

With your FTP details to hand, all you need now is an FTP client to actually transfer the files. There are many highly recommended FTP clients available, such as FileZilla, or for Apple users, a popular FTP client would be Cyberduck, which are absolutely free of charge.

You'll need to download the FTP client on to your computer and follow the steps to install the client as instructed. You'll need to open the FTP client software once it has been installed on your computer.

Uploading files using your FTP Client

With your FTP client open, you'll normally be asked a few questions as to which web space you want to connect to, and which FTP details to provide. If you don't get this, simply choose to open a new connection. You'll now have to provide your unique FTP details for your web space where prompted. For more help on connecting to your web space using various popular clients, please see the Freeola Help and Support pages, but bear in mind that the guides assume you are a Freeola Web Hosting Customer.

To look at, clients are usually split up into 2 halves. One half will show a structured layout of the files and folders on the computer you are using. On the other half, you'll see the structure of the web space that you are connected to.

Then it's simply a case of browsing through your computer and finding the files for your web site. Once you've found them, it's a case of 'dragging and dropping' into the relevant folder on your web space on the right. The relevant folder will normally be called 'www', 'public_html' or in the case of Freeola customers, 'htdocs'. If you are unsure which folder to move your files into, please contact your web host provider who should be more than happy to help.

For a more detailed guide on FTP Uploading, please see the extensive free support guides available from the Freeola Support section.

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