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Spam Control in EmailPro

Last updated on by Freeola Support

Welcome to the Freeola Internet customer support pages. This guide is designed to help with setting up and adjusting Spam Filtering options for EmailPro e-mail addresses. For more internet help topics please visit our main Support Guides Page.

Filtering your incoming messages with Freeola EmailPro

A Freeola EmailPro subscription offers a few different ways to help reduce the amount of 'Spam' mail you receive to your Inbox.

All of these settings can be adjusted through the managing MyFreeola Control Panel. If you do not have access to this, these settings can also be altered within Freeola Webmail.

Spam filtering is set on an account-by-account basis, meaning that you will be required to take these steps on each individual account you wish to alter the filtering options for.

Adjusting your Spam Filtering level
  1. By default, the filtering level on your account will be set to 5 (on a scale of 1 to 9) which will help prevent any reasonably suspicious messages appearing within your Inbox. If you would like to increase or decrease this setting you can do using an easy 'slide scale' found within your MyFreeola Control Panel.

  2. When logged into the managing account, select Email Settings then My Email Addresses from the left-hand menu. On the page that loads select Settings & Features next to the e-mail address you would like to make these changes on.
    Email Address Settings & Features

  3. On the page that displays, scroll down to the EmailPro Security Settings section and click any of the Security Settings buttons.
    EmailPro Security Settings

  4. Use the on-screen slider to adjust your filtering level.
    Please note, while selecting a higher level will mean you'll receive less unwanted mail, this does also increase the chance that legitimate mail will be missed.
    MyFreeola Spam Filtering LevelOnce you have selected your desired level, click Save Spam Settings.

  5. Beneath this, will be a section headed Spam Message Control.

  6. By default, all messages picked up by this filter will be moved into the Spam folder. You can change this behaviour to instead deliver the messages into your Inbox, but have suspected unwanted messages mark with [SPAM].
    MyFreeola Spam Message Control
    Should you wish to change this behaviour, select your desired option then Save Spam Settings.

Allowed and Blocked Senders
  1. If you would like either completely block a specific address from sending to your account, or wish to ensure that messages from a specific location are always delivered to your Inbox, EmailPro also offers Blocked and Always Allowed lists.

  2. If you have been following this guide you can access this feature simply by continuing to scroll down the Spam Filtering page described above.

    This page can be accessed by selecting Email Settings, My Email Addresses, Settings & Features next to your account then Security Settings.

  3. To block a sender, select Block New Address to open the Add Blocked Sender window. In this window you will be able to block a specific e-mail address or an entire domain name. You will also be able to either 'Bounce' or 'Drop' messages received from accounts on this list.
    MyFreeola EmailPro Blocked SendersThe window will explain the difference between Bouncing and Dropping messages. Click Continue to add the address/domain.

  4. To ensure that a specific e-mail address or domain name always has its messages received in your Inbox, select Allow New Address. On the resulting pop-up window simply enter the address/domain and click Continue.

    If you set your Spam Filtering to Level 9, these Allowed Addresses will be the only ones that reach your Inbox
    MyFreeola EmailPro Allowed Senders
  5. You can view existing Blocked and Allowed addresses from the Blocked Senders and Always Allowed Senders tabs on this same page. From these tabs you will be able to remove or edit your existing records.

  6. Once you have added, removed or edited your records, you can simply leave the page - all changes are saved automatically.

It is also possible to make these changes through Freeola Webmail. We also provide a guide for this which can be accessed through this link.

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