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How to Access and Edit your RQS Website

Last updated on by Freeola Support

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Welcome to the Freeola Internet customer support pages. This guide is designed to outline how to access a previously created RQS website to edit the content. For more internet help topics please visit our main Support Page.

Once you have designed your website through the RQS builder you can go back and edit this content at any time - even after the site has been published!

This can be done either through the managing MyFreeola Control Panel or via the dedicated RQS Login Page.

Please Note

Unless you are logging in as a sub-user, you will need to be logged into the managing MyFreeola Control Panel in order to access the RQS Website Builder.

Accessing the RQS Builder through MyFreeola
  1. To start, log into the MyFreeola Control Panel that administers your RQS-designed website.

  2. From the left-hand menu, select Websites & Hosting then RQS Website Builder.
    MyFreeola RQS Menu Option
    The following page will show your RQS Website(s), and confirm the current domain name(s) attached, if any, along with other information about the subscription.

  3. To load the RQS Builder, and to start editing your website, click the blue Edit Website button on the right-hand side.
    MyFreeola RQS Edit Website

  4. The builder will now open in a new tab.
    RQS in a new tab

  5. Should you require assistance in making changes to your website, please visit our extensive RQS Help Guide section.

Accessing through the RQS Login Page
  1. If you do not wish to visit the Freeola website to access your RQS-built website you can also login via the RQS Login Page.

  2. Simply visit https://rqs.freeola.com/login or Click Here.

  3. The page that appears will have a section headed Via MyFreeola.

  4. This section will display differently depending on your current MyFreeola login status:

    • If you are NOT logged into a MyFreeola account:
      Click the orange MyFreeola Log In button, this will take you to a MyFreeola login page which will allow you to enter your login details. Once entered correctly, you will be returned to the RQS Login page which will have updated to show your RQS websites.
      RQS Login Page without MyFreeola

    • If you are logged into a MyFreeola Control Panel:
      This section will display all RQS subscriptions within your MyFreeola account, displaying both the site name and the Primary Domain (if applicable).
      RQS Login Page with MyFreeola Login

    • If you are logged into a MyFreeola Control Panel without RQS:
      You will be given a message confirming there are no RQS services connected with your account. You can either create a new RQS site through the Create An RQS Website option, or return to MyFreeola.

  5. Once logged into a valid account, simply select the site you wish to edit from the list to be taken to the builder.
    Select a Site From the List

  6. To return to the RQS Login Page, click Quit in the top-right corner of the RQS Builder.
    RQS Quit Button

  7. Should you require assistance in making changes to your website, please visit our extensive RQS Help Guide section.

Logging in as an RQS Sub-User

We provide a step-by-step guide on how to access the RQS Builder as a Sub-User.

These steps can be seen within our RQS Sub-User Guide.

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