Moving a Domain Name to another MyFreeola Account
Last updated on by Freeola Support
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If you administer or manage a domain name through your MyFreeola account and wish to transfer ownership and move this to another MyFreeola account, there are a few simple steps you will need to take.
Please Note
This will not change the registered owner of a domain name, simply the MyFreeola Control Panel that administers it.
For a guide on changing the registrant information, please click here.
Before you start, you will need to ensure that the new Administrator has a MyFreeola Login, and that they have provided you with their Login Email Address. The Login Password is NOT required. If they do not have a MyFreeola account, they can create one from the MyFreeola Login Page.
Once you have this information, log into YOUR MyFreeola Control Panel and open a Support Ticket using the link in the Top Menu, clicking Open a Support Ticket then following the on-screen instructions to Ask a Question or Make an Enquiry.
You can also create a Ticket from the Support Pages of
To move your domain name into a different MyFreeola account we will require the following within the body of the ticket:
The domain name you would like moved.
The e-mail address username of the Gaining MyFreeola account.
Confirmation that you would like any attached billable services (EmailPro, Freeola Web Hosting, InstantPro, RQS etc.), if any, moved with the domain.
If you wish to move multiple domain names to the same account, you can include them in this request. If you wish to move other domain names to another account, please submit a separate Support Ticket for each.
Providing you are logged into the current Administrative MyFreeola Account when submitting this ticket, all necessary verification checks will be complete and your request will be actioned. Normally this can take up to 24 hours to complete.
Any website or e-mail addresses attached to the domain name should be unaffected by this change, and will continue to function normally through this period.
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