Using Domain Name Forwarding
Last updated on by Freeola Support
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If you have designed your website elsewhere and would rather not use the recommended DNS Records method of connecting your domain name to the site, or if you would like your domain name to direct visitors to your Facebook, eBay or Etsy page, you can make use of a technique called Web Forwarding.
This feature (sometimes referred to as a 301 redirect) is included at no additional cost for all domain names managed through Freeola & GetDotted.
You can only make use of Web Forwarding using this method if your DNS are set to Freeola
To start, log into the MyFreeola Control Panel that manages your domain name.
Once logged in, select Domain Names then DNS, Subdomains & Forwarding from the left-hand menu. On the following page click the Web Forwarding Options button under the Web Forwarding header.
Now, select the Not Active (Set Up) button next to the domain name you would like to add the forwarding to.
Alternatively, this page can be accessed from the Domain Names > My Domains menu option by clicking Domain Settings next to your domain, then View/Edit Forwarding.
Choosing the Type of Web Forwarding
The first step of setting up forwarding is choosing the correct type of forwarding, either Standard Forwarding or Forwarding to a Single Page.
Standard Forwarding will redirect all pages to the equivalent page on another domain, while Single Page Forwarding will redirect any address on your domain name to a single page elsewhere.
The most common version of forwarding is Single Page Forwarding.
Framed or Non-Framed
Framing in this context refers to the URL displayed within the address bar of the visitors web browser.
A Framed Forward would display your domain name within the address bar (masking the true destination of the pages being viewed) while Non-Framed would show the destination URL.
Non-Framed is a 301 permanently moved redirect, which will ensure that search engines update their database with the new link.
Due to some security concerns related to Framed Forwarding, most hosts will only accept Non-Framed Forwarding when redirecting to their servers.
Destination Address and Optional Settings
After selecting your Framing option you will not be required to enter the URL you would like to forward to - sometimes referred to as the Destination Address.
This can be any URL you wish and can be served via HTTP or HTTPS. If you are using Non-Framed forwarding, this is the address that will appear within the address bar of the visitor's web browser.
Framed Forwarding Only
If you have chosen to use Framed Forwarding you also have the ability to enter some optional information:
Title - This will appear at the top of the browser window when visitors access your domain.
Meta Keywords - Keywords can contribute to your search engine ranking, although page content is now much more relevant.
Meta Description - Can contribute to your search engine ranking and can be used within search engine results when your page is listed.
Page Icon - Also known as a Favicon. This is a small image that will appear within the browser address bar and next to the page name in a Bookmarks list.
Click Confirm to save your forwarding information, which can take up to an hour to take effect. After this time, visitors to your Freeola Domain Name will now be redirected to your Destination URL.
If you would like to change the type of forwarding, destination URL or remove the forwarding completely, you can easily do so using the same process described above.
Once logged into your MyFreeola account, select Domain Names then DNS, Subdomains & Forwarding from the left-hand menu. On the following page click the Web Forwarding Options button under the Web Forwarding header.
Now, select Active (Edit) button next to your domain name.
Option 1: Delete
The new page will provide two options, the first will allow you to remove the forwarding completely. To action this, click Delete Forwarding on this page - this will immediately delete the forwarding.
It can take up to five minutes for visitors to your domain name to not be forwarded. Click Finish to return to the Domain Details page.
Option 2: Edit
The second section of this page allows you to make changes to the Web Forwarding Type or Destination Address.
If you wish to change the Forwarding Type or Frame option of your forwarding click Change Type. This will re-open the Forwarding Wizard and allow you to first select the type of forwarding (Standard/Single Page) before your Framed/Non-Framed preference. Click Continue on each stage then Confirm to save.
If you were looking to change the Destination URL simply replace the text within the Forward To: field with your desired location and click Confirm to save.
As with adding new forwarding, it can take five minutes until your changes take effect.
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