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BT Voyager 105 Installation Guide

Last updated on by Freeola Support

Welcome to the Freeola Internet customer support pages. This guide is designed to help with setting up your modem to work with Freeola Broadband. For more internet help topics please visit our main Support Page.


Due to the age of this equipment, this hardware is unlikely to work on any modern version of Windows.

  1. Fit a microfilter between the wall socket and each device that shares the telephone line. This is not only for telephone handsets but can also include fax machines, burglar alarms, and any Sky boxes or satellite equipment.

  2. Plug one end of the telephone cable into the DSL socket on the modem, plug the other end into the microfilter socket marked DSL or ADSL.

  3. Insert the installation CD (the one included with your modem) before connecting your modem to your PC's USB port. The disk will pop up an installation agreement, after your agree to this the drivers will start to install onto your hard drive.

  4. During the installation process, you will be asked to plug your modem into an available USB port in your computer. Your computer will then detect the new hardware and complete the installation of your modem. You will then be requested to restart your computer. For some older versions of Windows, the Windows installation disk may be required to complete the modem installation.

  5. The installation software will have set your Voyager 105 ADSL Modem as the default modem connection for your browser. You may have to configure other Internet applications i.e. e-mail, newsreaders etc. to use this modem connection. Double click the Voyager 105 ADSL Modem connection icon in the bottom right hand corner of your screen, this should resemble two opposite facing arrows, to open the Modem Control Panel.

  6. Click Connect on the Modem Control Panel, then enter your broadband user name and password in the new window that appears. Your broadband user name and password are in the format of [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. This information will have been sent to you via e-mail before your activation.

    If you are unable to find either of these you can access this information by selecting Broadband Details and Usage from within your MyFreeola Control Panel.

You should now be connected to the Internet via your Freeola Broadband connection.

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