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How to change your Freeola Email password

Last updated on by Freeola Support

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Welcome to the Freeola Internet customer support pages. This guide is designed to help with changing your password for your Freeola E-mail address. For more internet help topics please visit our main Support Page.


We recommend that you change your passwords if you suspect they may have been compromised in any way. The regular changing of access passwords is one of the best ways you can help prevent unauthorised access to your services.

Advice on Selecting a Secure Password

In the interests of security we at Freeola advise that you use the most secure password possible. General tips include avoiding people's names, places, dictionary words and birthdays as these are easily guessed.

We recommend that all passwords be combinations of letters and numbers, utilising varying capitalisation, to make them even harder to guess.

Avoiding short passwords is also strongly advisable.

To change your E-Mail Password via MyFreeola
  1. Enter the MyFreeola control panel that manages your e-mail address.

  2. Click the Email Settings link from the left-hand menu, then My Email Addresses from the expanded section.
    MyFreeola Email Settings

  3. You will see all e-mail addresses connected with your MyFreeola account on the page that appears, scroll down the page (you can filter by domain name by using the drop-down menu) until you find the e-mail address you want to change the password for.

  4. Click on the button that says Settings & Features next to the address.
    Email Address Settings & Features

  5. On the next screen, click the button that says Change Password.

  6. Enter your new choice of password into both boxes and press the Continue button to make the changes.

    Use the Password Strength section of this page to judge how secure your chosen password is.
    Freeola Email Password Change

  7. You'll see a message confirming the change and now you'll need to change the password within your e-mail program before you can receive messages again.

To change your E-Mail Password via Webmail
  1. Log into the e-mail address from the Freeola Webmail page.

  2. Once logged in, select Settings from the top-right hand corner.
    Freeola Webmail Settings

  3. Select Login Details from either the top tab menu or the icon on this page.

  4. Enter your current password for verification purposes, before entering your new password in the two fields provided.
    Freeola Webmail Password Change

  5. Click Save to finish.

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